Download OpenAPI specification:Download
The Notabene API is organized around REST. Our API accepts JSON-encoded request bodies, returns JSON-encoded responses, and uses standard HTTP status codes and verbs.
All requests to the Notabene API should be made to one of the following root URLs:
All API requests must be made over HTTPS; calls made over plain HTTP will fail. API requests without authentication will also fail - see the Authentication section for information on correctly authenticating calls to the Notabene API.
Check out our DevX guides for more information about how best to integrate with Notabene.
The Notabene API takes advantage of Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs) that enable verifiable, decentralized digital identity.
Errors in the Notabene API follow conventional HTTP response codes to indicate errors. Generally, 2xx
response codes indicate success, 4xx
response codes indicate client error, and 5xx
errors indicate errors with the Notabene API.
The Notabene API uses API tokens to authenticate requests.
Authentication to the API is performed via bearer auth, so require an Authorization: Bearer TOKEN
HTTP header.
Get a Notabene API access token on behalf of a customer
Customer Token information
vaspDID required | string (common_DID) ^did:[a-zA-Z0-9]*:.*$ Decentralized Identifier |
customerRef required | string |
{- "vaspDID": "did:methd:identifier",
- "customerRef": "string"
{- "access_token": "string",
- "token_type": "string",
- "scope": "string"
Updates the currently authenticated user
User Info update information
did required | string (common_DID) ^did:[a-zA-Z0-9]*:.*$ Decentralized Identifier |
required | Array of objects (common_IdentityFields) List of fields |
{- "did": "did:methd:identifier",
- "fields": [
- {
- "fieldName": "string",
- "values": [
- {
- "value": null,
- "issuer": "did:methd:identifier",
- "issuanceDate": "2019-08-24",
- "expirationDate": "2019-08-24"
{- "did": "did:methd:identifier",
- "fields": [
- [
- {
- "fieldName": "string",
- "values": [
- {
- "value": null,
- "issuer": "did:methd:identifier",
- "issuanceDate": "2019-08-24",
- "expirationDate": "2019-08-24"
], - "vasps": [
- "did:methd:identifier"
VASPs can be administered using the Notabene API. Users can be added or removed from a VASP allowing them to login to the Notabene Dashboard to manage transfers, rules, integrations and more.
did | string (common_DID) ^did:[a-zA-Z0-9]*:.*$ Decentralized Identifier |
Array of objects (common_IdentityFields) List of fields | |
Array of objects (common_Documents) List of documents | |
hasAdmin | boolean |
isActiveSender | boolean |
isActiveReceiver | boolean |
{- "did": "did:methd:identifier",
- "fields": [
- {
- "fieldName": "string",
- "values": [
- {
- "value": null,
- "issuer": "did:methd:identifier",
- "issuanceDate": "2019-08-24",
- "expirationDate": "2019-08-24"
], - "documents": [
- {
- "locationUrl": "string",
- "mimeType": "string",
- "name": "string"
], - "hasAdmin": true,
- "isActiveSender": true,
- "isActiveReceiver": true
Adds a user to a VASP by email. Added users will be sent an email to accept the invite.
New user information"
email required | string <email> |
vasp required | string (common_DID) ^did:[a-zA-Z0-9]*:.*$ Decentralized Identifier |
role | string |
callbackExtra | string |
{- "vasp": "did:methd:identifier",
- "role": "string",
- "callbackExtra": "string"
Remove a user from a VASP. The removed user will no longer be able to login to the dashboard to manage the VASP.
Remove user data
userDID required | string (common_DID) ^did:[a-zA-Z0-9]*:.*$ Decentralized Identifier |
vasp required | string (common_DID) ^did:[a-zA-Z0-9]*:.*$ Decentralized Identifier |
{- "userDID": "did:methd:identifier",
- "vasp": "did:methd:identifier"
Creates a new customer
Customer info
vaspDID required | string (common_DID) ^did:[a-zA-Z0-9]*:.*$ Decentralized Identifier |
customerRef | string |
{- "vaspDID": "did:methd:identifier",
- "customerRef": "string"
{- "id": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000",
- "did": "did:methd:identifier",
- "vaspDID": "did:methd:identifier",
- "customerRef": "string"
Returns a customer of a VASP by customer DID
vaspDID required | string (common_DID) ^did:[a-zA-Z0-9]*:.*$ Example: did:methd:identifier VASP DID |
customerDID required | string (common_DID) ^did:[a-zA-Z0-9]*:.*$ Example: did:methd:identifier Customer DID |
{- "id": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000",
- "did": "did:methd:identifier",
- "vaspDID": "did:methd:identifier",
- "customerRef": "string"
Notabene utilizes the IVMS 101 interVASP messaging standard to transmit required originator and beneficiary information.
More information: IVMS 101
object (ivms101_Originator) The originator is defined in Section 1.1 as the account holder who allows the VA transfer from that account or, where there is no account, the natural or legal person that places the order with the originating VASP to perform the VA transfer. | |
object (ivms101_Beneficiary) The beneficiary is defined in Section 1.1 as the natural or legal person or legal arrangement who is identified by the originator as the receiver of the requested VA transfer. | |
object (OriginatingVASP) The originating VASP is defined in Section 1.1 as the VASP which initiates the VA transfer, and transfers the VA upon receiving the request for a VA transfer on behalf of the originator. | |
object (BeneficiaryVASP) The beneficiary is defined in Section 1.1 as the VASP which receives the transfer of a virtual asset from the originating VASP directly or through an intermediary VASP and makes the funds available to the beneficiary. | |
object (TransferPath) The transfer path refers to the intermediary VASP(s) participating in a serial chain that receive(s) and retransmit(s) a VA transfer on behalf of the originating VASP and the beneficiary VASP, or another intermediary VASP, together with their corresponding sequence number. | |
object (PayloadMetadata) Data describing the contents of the payload. |
{- "originator": {
- "originatorPersons": [
- {
- "naturalPerson": {
- "name": [
- {
- "nameIdentifier": [
- {
- "primaryIdentifier": "string",
- "secondaryIdentifier": "string",
- "nameIdentifierType": "ALIA"
], - "localNameIdentifier": [
- {
- "primaryIdentifier": "string",
- "secondaryIdentifier": "string",
- "nameIdentifierType": "ALIA"
], - "phoneticNameIdentifier": [
- {
- "primaryIdentifier": "string",
- "secondaryIdentifier": "string",
- "nameIdentifierType": "ALIA"
], - "geographicAddress": [
- {
- "addressType": "HOME",
- "department": "string",
- "subDepartment": "string",
- "streetName": "string",
- "buildingNumber": "string",
- "buildingName": "string",
- "floor": "string",
- "postBox": "string",
- "room": "string",
- "postCode": "string",
- "townName": "string",
- "townLocationName": "string",
- "districtName": "string",
- "countrySubDivision": "string",
- "addressLine": [
- "string"
], - "country": "string"
], - "nationalIdentification": {
- "nationalIdentifier": "string",
- "nationalIdentifierType": "ARNU",
- "countryOfIssue": "string",
- "registrationAuthority": "string"
}, - "customerIdentification": "string",
- "dateAndPlaceOfBirth": {
- "dateOfBirth": "string",
- "placeOfBirth": "string"
}, - "countryOfResidence": "string"
}, - "legalPerson": {
- "name": {
- "nameIdentifier": [
- {
- "legalPersonName": "string",
- "legalPersonNameIdentifierType": "LEGL"
], - "localNameIdentifier": [
- {
- "legalPersonName": "string",
- "legalPersonNameIdentifierType": "LEGL"
], - "phoneticNameIdentifier": [
- {
- "legalPersonName": "string",
- "legalPersonNameIdentifierType": "LEGL"
}, - "geographicAddress": [
- {
- "addressType": "HOME",
- "department": "string",
- "subDepartment": "string",
- "streetName": "string",
- "buildingNumber": "string",
- "buildingName": "string",
- "floor": "string",
- "postBox": "string",
- "room": "string",
- "postCode": "string",
- "townName": "string",
- "townLocationName": "string",
- "districtName": "string",
- "countrySubDivision": "string",
- "addressLine": [
- "string"
], - "country": "string"
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- "nationalIdentification": {
- "nationalIdentifier": "string",
- "nationalIdentifierType": "ARNU",
- "countryOfIssue": "string",
- "registrationAuthority": "string"
}, - "dateOfRegistration": "string",
- "countryOfRegistration": "string"
], - "accountNumber": [
- "string"
}, - "beneficiary": {
- "beneficiaryPersons": [
- {
- "naturalPerson": {
- "name": [
- {
- "nameIdentifier": [
- {
- "primaryIdentifier": "string",
- "secondaryIdentifier": "string",
- "nameIdentifierType": "ALIA"
], - "localNameIdentifier": [
- {
- "primaryIdentifier": "string",
- "secondaryIdentifier": "string",
- "nameIdentifierType": "ALIA"
], - "phoneticNameIdentifier": [
- {
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- "secondaryIdentifier": "string",
- "nameIdentifierType": "ALIA"
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- {
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- "department": "string",
- "subDepartment": "string",
- "streetName": "string",
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- "buildingName": "string",
- "floor": "string",
- "postBox": "string",
- "room": "string",
- "postCode": "string",
- "townName": "string",
- "townLocationName": "string",
- "districtName": "string",
- "countrySubDivision": "string",
- "addressLine": [
- "string"
], - "country": "string"
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- "nationalIdentifier": "string",
- "nationalIdentifierType": "ARNU",
- "countryOfIssue": "string",
- "registrationAuthority": "string"
}, - "customerIdentification": "string",
- "dateAndPlaceOfBirth": {
- "dateOfBirth": "string",
- "placeOfBirth": "string"
}, - "countryOfResidence": "string"
}, - "legalPerson": {
- "name": {
- "nameIdentifier": [
- {
- "legalPersonName": "string",
- "legalPersonNameIdentifierType": "LEGL"
], - "localNameIdentifier": [
- {
- "legalPersonName": "string",
- "legalPersonNameIdentifierType": "LEGL"
], - "phoneticNameIdentifier": [
- {
- "legalPersonName": "string",
- "legalPersonNameIdentifierType": "LEGL"
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- {
- "addressType": "HOME",
- "department": "string",
- "subDepartment": "string",
- "streetName": "string",
- "buildingNumber": "string",
- "buildingName": "string",
- "floor": "string",
- "postBox": "string",
- "room": "string",
- "postCode": "string",
- "townName": "string",
- "townLocationName": "string",
- "districtName": "string",
- "countrySubDivision": "string",
- "addressLine": [
- "string"
], - "country": "string"
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- "nationalIdentification": {
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- "nationalIdentifierType": "ARNU",
- "countryOfIssue": "string",
- "registrationAuthority": "string"
}, - "dateOfRegistration": "string",
- "countryOfRegistration": "string"
], - "accountNumber": [
- "string"
}, - "originatingVASP": {
- "originatingVASP": {
- "naturalPerson": {
- "name": [
- {
- "nameIdentifier": [
- {
- "primaryIdentifier": "string",
- "secondaryIdentifier": "string",
- "nameIdentifierType": "ALIA"
], - "localNameIdentifier": [
- {
- "primaryIdentifier": "string",
- "secondaryIdentifier": "string",
- "nameIdentifierType": "ALIA"
], - "phoneticNameIdentifier": [
- {
- "primaryIdentifier": "string",
- "secondaryIdentifier": "string",
- "nameIdentifierType": "ALIA"
], - "geographicAddress": [
- {
- "addressType": "HOME",
- "department": "string",
- "subDepartment": "string",
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- "room": "string",
- "postCode": "string",
- "townName": "string",
- "townLocationName": "string",
- "districtName": "string",
- "countrySubDivision": "string",
- "addressLine": [
- "string"
], - "country": "string"
], - "nationalIdentification": {
- "nationalIdentifier": "string",
- "nationalIdentifierType": "ARNU",
- "countryOfIssue": "string",
- "registrationAuthority": "string"
}, - "customerIdentification": "string",
- "dateAndPlaceOfBirth": {
- "dateOfBirth": "string",
- "placeOfBirth": "string"
}, - "countryOfResidence": "string"
}, - "legalPerson": {
- "name": {
- "nameIdentifier": [
- {
- "legalPersonName": "string",
- "legalPersonNameIdentifierType": "LEGL"
], - "localNameIdentifier": [
- {
- "legalPersonName": "string",
- "legalPersonNameIdentifierType": "LEGL"
], - "phoneticNameIdentifier": [
- {
- "legalPersonName": "string",
- "legalPersonNameIdentifierType": "LEGL"
}, - "geographicAddress": [
- {
- "addressType": "HOME",
- "department": "string",
- "subDepartment": "string",
- "streetName": "string",
- "buildingNumber": "string",
- "buildingName": "string",
- "floor": "string",
- "postBox": "string",
- "room": "string",
- "postCode": "string",
- "townName": "string",
- "townLocationName": "string",
- "districtName": "string",
- "countrySubDivision": "string",
- "addressLine": [
- "string"
], - "country": "string"
], - "customerNumber": "string",
- "nationalIdentification": {
- "nationalIdentifier": "string",
- "nationalIdentifierType": "ARNU",
- "countryOfIssue": "string",
- "registrationAuthority": "string"
}, - "dateOfRegistration": "string",
- "countryOfRegistration": "string"
}, - "beneficiaryVASP": {
- "beneficiaryVASP": {
- "naturalPerson": {
- "name": [
- {
- "nameIdentifier": [
- {
- "primaryIdentifier": "string",
- "secondaryIdentifier": "string",
- "nameIdentifierType": "ALIA"
], - "localNameIdentifier": [
- {
- "primaryIdentifier": "string",
- "secondaryIdentifier": "string",
- "nameIdentifierType": "ALIA"
], - "phoneticNameIdentifier": [
- {
- "primaryIdentifier": "string",
- "secondaryIdentifier": "string",
- "nameIdentifierType": "ALIA"
], - "geographicAddress": [
- {
- "addressType": "HOME",
- "department": "string",
- "subDepartment": "string",
- "streetName": "string",
- "buildingNumber": "string",
- "buildingName": "string",
- "floor": "string",
- "postBox": "string",
- "room": "string",
- "postCode": "string",
- "townName": "string",
- "townLocationName": "string",
- "districtName": "string",
- "countrySubDivision": "string",
- "addressLine": [
- "string"
], - "country": "string"
], - "nationalIdentification": {
- "nationalIdentifier": "string",
- "nationalIdentifierType": "ARNU",
- "countryOfIssue": "string",
- "registrationAuthority": "string"
}, - "customerIdentification": "string",
- "dateAndPlaceOfBirth": {
- "dateOfBirth": "string",
- "placeOfBirth": "string"
}, - "countryOfResidence": "string"
}, - "legalPerson": {
- "name": {
- "nameIdentifier": [
- {
- "legalPersonName": "string",
- "legalPersonNameIdentifierType": "LEGL"
], - "localNameIdentifier": [
- {
- "legalPersonName": "string",
- "legalPersonNameIdentifierType": "LEGL"
], - "phoneticNameIdentifier": [
- {
- "legalPersonName": "string",
- "legalPersonNameIdentifierType": "LEGL"
}, - "geographicAddress": [
- {
- "addressType": "HOME",
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- "buildingName": "string",
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- "townLocationName": "string",
- "districtName": "string",
- "countrySubDivision": "string",
- "addressLine": [
- "string"
], - "country": "string"
], - "customerNumber": "string",
- "nationalIdentification": {
- "nationalIdentifier": "string",
- "nationalIdentifierType": "ARNU",
- "countryOfIssue": "string",
- "registrationAuthority": "string"
}, - "dateOfRegistration": "string",
- "countryOfRegistration": "string"
}, - "transferPath": {
- "transferPath": [
- {
- "intermediaryVASP": {
- "naturalPerson": {
- "name": [
- {
- "nameIdentifier": [
- {
- "primaryIdentifier": null,
- "secondaryIdentifier": null,
- "nameIdentifierType": null
], - "localNameIdentifier": [
- {
- "primaryIdentifier": null,
- "secondaryIdentifier": null,
- "nameIdentifierType": null
], - "phoneticNameIdentifier": [
- {
- "primaryIdentifier": null,
- "secondaryIdentifier": null,
- "nameIdentifierType": null
], - "geographicAddress": [
- {
- "addressType": "HOME",
- "department": "string",
- "subDepartment": "string",
- "streetName": "string",
- "buildingNumber": "string",
- "buildingName": "string",
- "floor": "string",
- "postBox": "string",
- "room": "string",
- "postCode": "string",
- "townName": "string",
- "townLocationName": "string",
- "districtName": "string",
- "countrySubDivision": "string",
- "addressLine": [
- "string"
], - "country": "string"
], - "nationalIdentification": {
- "nationalIdentifier": "string",
- "nationalIdentifierType": "ARNU",
- "countryOfIssue": "string",
- "registrationAuthority": "string"
}, - "customerIdentification": "string",
- "dateAndPlaceOfBirth": {
- "dateOfBirth": "string",
- "placeOfBirth": "string"
}, - "countryOfResidence": "string"
}, - "legalPerson": {
- "name": {
- "nameIdentifier": [
- {
- "legalPersonName": "string",
- "legalPersonNameIdentifierType": "LEGL"
], - "localNameIdentifier": [
- {
- "legalPersonName": "string",
- "legalPersonNameIdentifierType": "LEGL"
], - "phoneticNameIdentifier": [
- {
- "legalPersonName": "string",
- "legalPersonNameIdentifierType": "LEGL"
}, - "geographicAddress": [
- {
- "addressType": "HOME",
- "department": "string",
- "subDepartment": "string",
- "streetName": "string",
- "buildingNumber": "string",
- "buildingName": "string",
- "floor": "string",
- "postBox": "string",
- "room": "string",
- "postCode": "string",
- "townName": "string",
- "townLocationName": "string",
- "districtName": "string",
- "countrySubDivision": "string",
- "addressLine": [
- "string"
], - "country": "string"
], - "customerNumber": "string",
- "nationalIdentification": {
- "nationalIdentifier": "string",
- "nationalIdentifierType": "ARNU",
- "countryOfIssue": "string",
- "registrationAuthority": "string"
}, - "dateOfRegistration": "string",
- "countryOfRegistration": "string"
}, - "sequence": 0
}, - "payloadMetadata": {
- "transliterationMethod": [
- "arab"
Gets the detail of a transfer that has been created based on the passed transfer ID.
id required | string <uuid> (TransactionID) Example: id=123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000 Identifier of the Transfer |
{- "id": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000",
- "status": "SAVED",
- "transactionType": "BELOW_THRESHOLD",
- "transactionAsset": "ETH",
- "transactionAmount": "string",
- "chargedQuantity": 0,
- "amountInLocalCurrency": {
- "amountInLocalCurrency": 0,
- "currency": "string"
}, - "beneficiaryAmountInLocalCurrency": {
- "amountInLocalCurrency": 0,
- "currency": "string"
}, - "originatorDid": "did:methd:identifier",
- "beneficiaryDid": "did:methd:identifier",
- "originatorVASPdid": "did:methd:identifier",
- "beneficiaryVASPdid": "did:methd:identifier",
- "transactionBlockchainInfo": {
- "txHash": "string",
- "origin": "string",
- "destination": "string"
}, - "ivms101": {
- "originator": {
- "originatorPersons": [
- {
- "naturalPerson": {
- "name": [
- {
- "nameIdentifier": [
- {
- "primaryIdentifier": null,
- "secondaryIdentifier": null,
- "nameIdentifierType": null
], - "localNameIdentifier": [
- {
- "primaryIdentifier": null,
- "secondaryIdentifier": null,
- "nameIdentifierType": null
], - "phoneticNameIdentifier": [
- {
- "primaryIdentifier": null,
- "secondaryIdentifier": null,
- "nameIdentifierType": null
], - "geographicAddress": [
- {
- "addressType": "HOME",
- "department": "string",
- "subDepartment": "string",
- "streetName": "string",
- "buildingNumber": "string",
- "buildingName": "string",
- "floor": "string",
- "postBox": "string",
- "room": "string",
- "postCode": "string",
- "townName": "string",
- "townLocationName": "string",
- "districtName": "string",
- "countrySubDivision": "string",
- "addressLine": [
- "string"
], - "country": "string"
], - "nationalIdentification": {
- "nationalIdentifier": "string",
- "nationalIdentifierType": "ARNU",
- "countryOfIssue": "string",
- "registrationAuthority": "string"
}, - "customerIdentification": "string",
- "dateAndPlaceOfBirth": {
- "dateOfBirth": "string",
- "placeOfBirth": "string"
}, - "countryOfResidence": "string"
}, - "legalPerson": {
- "name": {
- "nameIdentifier": [
- {
- "legalPersonName": "string",
- "legalPersonNameIdentifierType": "LEGL"
], - "localNameIdentifier": [
- {
- "legalPersonName": "string",
- "legalPersonNameIdentifierType": "LEGL"
], - "phoneticNameIdentifier": [
- {
- "legalPersonName": "string",
- "legalPersonNameIdentifierType": "LEGL"
}, - "geographicAddress": [
- {
- "addressType": "HOME",
- "department": "string",
- "subDepartment": "string",
- "streetName": "string",
- "buildingNumber": "string",
- "buildingName": "string",
- "floor": "string",
- "postBox": "string",
- "room": "string",
- "postCode": "string",
- "townName": "string",
- "townLocationName": "string",
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- "addressLine": [
- "string"
], - "country": "string"
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- "nationalIdentifierType": "ARNU",
- "countryOfIssue": "string",
- "registrationAuthority": "string"
}, - "dateOfRegistration": "string",
- "countryOfRegistration": "string"
], - "accountNumber": [
- "string"
}, - "beneficiary": {
- "beneficiaryPersons": [
- {
- "naturalPerson": {
- "name": [
- {
- "nameIdentifier": [
- {
- "primaryIdentifier": null,
- "secondaryIdentifier": null,
- "nameIdentifierType": null
], - "localNameIdentifier": [
- {
- "primaryIdentifier": null,
- "secondaryIdentifier": null,
- "nameIdentifierType": null
], - "phoneticNameIdentifier": [
- {
- "primaryIdentifier": null,
- "secondaryIdentifier": null,
- "nameIdentifierType": null
], - "geographicAddress": [
- {
- "addressType": "HOME",
- "department": "string",
- "subDepartment": "string",
- "streetName": "string",
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- "buildingName": "string",
- "floor": "string",
- "postBox": "string",
- "room": "string",
- "postCode": "string",
- "townName": "string",
- "townLocationName": "string",
- "districtName": "string",
- "countrySubDivision": "string",
- "addressLine": [
- "string"
], - "country": "string"
], - "nationalIdentification": {
- "nationalIdentifier": "string",
- "nationalIdentifierType": "ARNU",
- "countryOfIssue": "string",
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}, - "customerIdentification": "string",
- "dateAndPlaceOfBirth": {
- "dateOfBirth": "string",
- "placeOfBirth": "string"
}, - "countryOfResidence": "string"
}, - "legalPerson": {
- "name": {
- "nameIdentifier": [
- {
- "legalPersonName": "string",
- "legalPersonNameIdentifierType": "LEGL"
], - "localNameIdentifier": [
- {
- "legalPersonName": "string",
- "legalPersonNameIdentifierType": "LEGL"
], - "phoneticNameIdentifier": [
- {
- "legalPersonName": "string",
- "legalPersonNameIdentifierType": "LEGL"
}, - "geographicAddress": [
- {
- "addressType": "HOME",
- "department": "string",
- "subDepartment": "string",
- "streetName": "string",
- "buildingNumber": "string",
- "buildingName": "string",
- "floor": "string",
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Fetches a list of transactions belonging to a VASP. The transactions will be grouped showing when the VASP is beneficiary and/or originator.
vaspDID required | string (common_DID) ^did:[a-zA-Z0-9]*:.*$ Example: vaspDID=did:methd:identifier vaspDID to get list for |
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- "protocol": "TRLight",
- "protocolData": {
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- "notificationEmails": [
- "string"
}, - "originatorProof": {
- "type": "eip-191",
- "proof": 4.807131140562005e+155,
- "attestation": "I certify that\n\neip155:1 account 0x2D436435576848B3a22748F5eE642c80A6368065\n\nbelonged to did:ethr:0x348bdb4fe9bdb4ef09a4b9955ae4d236f7c304e5\n\non Tue, 10 Dec 2024 12:37:28 GMT",
- "address": "eip155:1:0x2D436435576848B3a22748F5eE642c80A6368065",
- "status": "verified"
}, - "beneficiaryProof": {
- "type": "eip-191",
- "proof": 4.807131140562005e+155,
- "attestation": "I certify that\n\neip155:1 account 0x2D436435576848B3a22748F5eE642c80A6368065\n\nbelonged to did:ethr:0x348bdb4fe9bdb4ef09a4b9955ae4d236f7c304e5\n\non Tue, 10 Dec 2024 12:37:28 GMT",
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- "status": "verified"
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Fetches a list of transactions belonging to a VASP. Transactions can be sorted, filtered, and searched and results are paginated.
vaspDID required | string (common_DID) ^did:[a-zA-Z0-9]*:.*$ Example: vaspDID=did:methd:identifier vaspDID to get list for |
sort | string (Sort) Enum: "transactionAmount:ASC" "transactionAmount:DESC" "updatedAt:ASC" "updatedAt:DESC" "createdAt:ASC" "createdAt:DESC" Pass one of the supported fields you want to sort and after the colon (:), the direction, ASC or DESC. |
page | integer >= 0 Page number the user wants to retrieve, default value is 0 |
resultsPerPage | integer <= 100 Example: resultsPerPage=100 Number of records to show per page, default value is 100 |
txGroup | string (Group) Example: txGroup=INBOX Pass INBOX here to return only the transfers available on your inbox, or remove the param to return all transfers |
transactionAsset | string (TransactionAsset) Example: transactionAsset=ETH Filter your transfers by crypto currencies |
transactionType | string (common_TransactionType) Enum: "TRAVELRULE" "BELOW_THRESHOLD" "NON_CUSTODIAL" "UNKNOWN" Filter your transfers by type |
transactionRef | string |
status | Array of strings Filter your transactions by status |
q | string Search term for transactions |
txDirection | string (Direction) Enum: "incoming" "outgoing" "internal" Filter your transfers by direction, incoming, outgoing or internal transfers |
decrypt | boolean Default: false Decrypt PII data |
csv | boolean Get data in CSV format |
includeActions | boolean Include action data with the transactions |
jurisdictions | Array of strings Filter your transactions by jurisdictions |
vasps | Array of strings Filter your transactions by vasps |
start | string <date> (common_Date) Example: start=2023-07-20 Filter your transactions created after the specified date (included) |
end | string <date> (common_Date) Example: end=2023-07-20 Filter your transactions created before the specified date (included) |
wallet | string Filter your transactions by wallet address |
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- "attestation": "I certify that\n\neip155:1 account 0x2D436435576848B3a22748F5eE642c80A6368065\n\nbelonged to did:ethr:0x348bdb4fe9bdb4ef09a4b9955ae4d236f7c304e5\n\non Tue, 10 Dec 2024 12:37:28 GMT",
- "address": "eip155:1:0x2D436435576848B3a22748F5eE642c80A6368065",
- "status": "verified"
}, - "beneficiaryProof": {
- "type": "eip-191",
- "proof": 4.807131140562005e+155,
- "attestation": "I certify that\n\neip155:1 account 0x2D436435576848B3a22748F5eE642c80A6368065\n\nbelonged to did:ethr:0x348bdb4fe9bdb4ef09a4b9955ae4d236f7c304e5\n\non Tue, 10 Dec 2024 12:37:28 GMT",
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- "status": "verified"
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Due to varying implementations of the Travel Rule across jurisdictions, transfers can be validated ahead of time to evaluate which transfer fields are required.
Transfer Validations Information
transactionAsset required | string Asset symbol (BTC,ETH) |
destination required | string Destination Address |
transactionAmount required | string^0*[1-9][0-9]*$ Amount in base unit of the asset (satoshi, wei, etc) |
originatorVASPdid required | string (common_DID) ^did:[a-zA-Z0-9]*:.*$ Decentralized Identifier |
originatorEqualsBeneficiary required | boolean Originator and Benefiary are the same person? |
beneficiaryVASPdid | string (common_DID) ^did:[a-zA-Z0-9]*:.*$ Decentralized Identifier |
beneficiaryVASPname | string Beneficiary VASP Name |
beneficiaryName | string Beneficiary Name |
beneficiaryAccountNumber | string Beneficiary Account Number |
object (ivms101_Address) | |
CryptographicalProof (object) or ScreenshotProof (object) or SelfDeclarationProof (object) or MicroTransferProof (object) or OtherProof (object) (OwnershipProof) Ownership Proof, which can be an CryptographicalProof, ScreenshotProof, SelfDeclarationProof or MicroTransferProof | |
travelRuleBehavior | boolean Should consider beneficiary's jurisdiction in determining if a transfer is of type TRAVEL_RULE |
network | string Chainalysis network |
{- "transactionAsset": "ETH",
- "destination": "0x00000000219ab540356cbb839cbe05303d7705fa",
- "transactionAmount": "1000000000",
- "originatorVASPdid": "did:ethr:0xoriginatorDID",
- "originatorEqualsBeneficiary": true
{- "isValid": true,
- "type": "BELOW_THRESHOLD",
- "beneficiaryAddressType": "UNKNOWN",
- "addressSource": "UNKNOWN",
- "beneficiaryVASPname": "string",
- "beneficiaryVASPdid": "string",
- "errors": "beneficiaryNameMissing"
Fully Validate your transfer with this method
Full transfer Validations Information
transactionAsset required | string Asset symbol (BTC,ETH) |
transactionAmount required | string^0*[1-9][0-9]*$ Amount in base unit of the asset (satoshi, wei, etc) |
transactionAssetDecimals | number Asset decimals |
originatorDid | string (common_DID) ^did:[a-zA-Z0-9]*:.*$ Decentralized Identifier |
beneficiaryDid | string (common_DID) ^did:[a-zA-Z0-9]*:.*$ Decentralized Identifier |
originatorVASPdid | string (common_DID) ^did:[a-zA-Z0-9]*:.*$ Decentralized Identifier |
beneficiaryVASPdid | string (common_DID) ^did:[a-zA-Z0-9]*:.*$ Decentralized Identifier |
beneficiaryVASPname | string Beneficiary VASP Name |
required | object (TransactionBlockchainInfo) Information about the transaction on the blockchain |
object (ivms101_Originator) The originator is defined in Section 1.1 as the account holder who allows the VA transfer from that account or, where there is no account, the natural or legal person that places the order with the originating VASP to perform the VA transfer. | |
object (ivms101_Beneficiary) The beneficiary is defined in Section 1.1 as the natural or legal person or legal arrangement who is identified by the originator as the receiver of the requested VA transfer. | |
encrypted | string Encrypted Personal Identificable Information (obscure schema-less value) |
protocol | string (tr_TravelRuleProtocol) Enum: "TRLight" "TRP" "OpenVASP" |
targetProtocol | string (TargetProtocol) Value: "GTR" |
notificationEmail | string Beneficiary VASP Notification Email |
skipBeneficiaryDataValidation | boolean Disable beneficiary data validation (opportunistic compliance) |
travelRuleBehavior | boolean Should consider beneficiary's jurisdiction in determining if a transfer is of type TRAVEL_RULE |
CryptographicalProof (object) or ScreenshotProof (object) or SelfDeclarationProof (object) or MicroTransferProof (object) or OtherProof (object) (OwnershipProof) Ownership Proof, which can be an CryptographicalProof, ScreenshotProof, SelfDeclarationProof or MicroTransferProof | |
CryptographicalProof (object) or ScreenshotProof (object) or SelfDeclarationProof (object) or MicroTransferProof (object) or OtherProof (object) (OwnershipProof) Ownership Proof, which can be an CryptographicalProof, ScreenshotProof, SelfDeclarationProof or MicroTransferProof | |
object (PII_IVMS) | |
network | string Chainalysis network |
validatePartyFields | string (ValidatePartyFields) Enum: "BENEFICIARY" "ORIGINATOR" "ALL" Validate transfers based on party |
onBehalfOfMyself | boolean Autopopulate originator and beneficiary fields with institution's information |
{- "transactionAsset": "ETH",
- "transactionAmount": "string",
- "transactionAssetDecimals": "18 (ETH)",
- "originatorDid": "did:methd:identifier",
- "beneficiaryDid": "did:methd:identifier",
- "originatorVASPdid": "did:methd:identifier",
- "beneficiaryVASPdid": "did:methd:identifier",
- "beneficiaryVASPname": "string",
- "transactionBlockchainInfo": {
- "txHash": "string",
- "origin": "string",
- "destination": "string"
}, - "originator": {
- "originatorPersons": [
- {
- "naturalPerson": {
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- {
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- {
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- "secondaryIdentifier": "string",
- "nameIdentifierType": "ALIA"
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- {
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- "townName": "string",
- "townLocationName": "string",
- "districtName": "string",
- "countrySubDivision": "string",
- "addressLine": [
- null
], - "country": "string"
], - "customerNumber": "string",
- "nationalIdentification": {
- "nationalIdentifier": "string",
- "nationalIdentifierType": "string",
- "countryOfIssue": "string",
- "registrationAuthority": "string"
}, - "dateOfRegistration": "string",
- "countryOfRegistration": "string"
}, - "sequence": "string"
}, - "payloadMetadata": {
- "transliterationMethod": [
- "string"
}, - "network": "string",
- "validatePartyFields": "BENEFICIARY",
- "onBehalfOfMyself": true
{- "isValid": true,
- "type": "BELOW_THRESHOLD",
- "beneficiaryAddressType": "UNKNOWN",
- "addressSource": "UNKNOWN",
- "beneficiaryVASPname": "string",
- "errors": [
- "string"
], - "warnings": [
- "string"
Creates a new transfer. The fields required in a transfer differ depending on the jurisdiction of the originating VASP. Additional data may be provided to the beneficiary VASP depending on their jurisdiction.
Transfers Information
transactionRef | string Idempotency key: to prevent duplicate transactions and proactively manage disruptions arising from the idempotency key becoming mandatory in the future, it is highly recommended to populate this field with a unique identifier for the transfer |
required | string or CAIP19 (object) or CoingeckoIdAndNetwork (object) |
transactionAmount required | string^0*[1-9][0-9]*$ Amount in base unit of the asset (satoshi, wei, etc) |
transactionAssetDecimals | number Asset decimals |
object or object (CustomAssetPrice) Object containing custom asset price if not available in Notabene | |
originatorDid | string (common_DID) ^did:[a-zA-Z0-9]*:.*$ Decentralized Identifier |
beneficiaryDid | string (common_DID) ^did:[a-zA-Z0-9]*:.*$ Decentralized Identifier |
beneficiaryRef | string |
originatorRef | string |
originatorVASPdid required | string (common_DID) ^did:[a-zA-Z0-9]*:.*$ Decentralized Identifier |
beneficiaryVASPdid | string (common_DID) ^did:[a-zA-Z0-9]*:.*$ Decentralized Identifier |
beneficiaryVASPname | string Beneficiary VASP Name - If you do not have this data, we will try to resolve it. |
beneficiaryVASPwebsite | string Beneficiary VASP Website - If the VASP does not already have one, it is required to provide it. |
required | object (TransactionBlockchainInfo) Information about the transaction on the blockchain |
object (ivms101_Originator) The originator is defined in Section 1.1 as the account holder who allows the VA transfer from that account or, where there is no account, the natural or legal person that places the order with the originating VASP to perform the VA transfer. | |
object (ivms101_Beneficiary) The beneficiary is defined in Section 1.1 as the natural or legal person or legal arrangement who is identified by the originator as the receiver of the requested VA transfer. | |
encrypted | string Encrypted Personal Identificable Information (obscure schema-less value) |
protocol | string (tr_TravelRuleProtocol) Enum: "TRLight" "TRP" "OpenVASP" |
targetProtocol | string (TargetProtocol) Value: "GTR" |
notificationEmail | string Beneficiary VASP Notification Email |
skipBeneficiaryDataValidation | boolean Disable beneficiary data validation (opportunistic compliance) |
travelRuleBehavior | boolean Should consider beneficiary's jurisdiction in determining if a transfer is of type TRAVEL_RULE |
CryptographicalProof (object) or ScreenshotProof (object) or SelfDeclarationProof (object) or MicroTransferProof (object) or OtherProof (object) (OwnershipProof) Ownership Proof, which can be an CryptographicalProof, ScreenshotProof, SelfDeclarationProof or MicroTransferProof | |
CryptographicalProof (object) or ScreenshotProof (object) or SelfDeclarationProof (object) or MicroTransferProof (object) or OtherProof (object) (OwnershipProof) Ownership Proof, which can be an CryptographicalProof, ScreenshotProof, SelfDeclarationProof or MicroTransferProof | |
object (PII_IVMS) | |
network | string Chainalysis network |
onBehalfOfMyself | boolean Autopopulate originator and beneficiary fields with institution's information |
blockchainTransactionTimestamp | string <date-time> (DateTime) |
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- "transactionAmount": "10000000000000000",
- "originatorVASPdid": "did:ethr:0xoriginatorDID",
- "beneficiaryVASPdid": "did:ethr:0xbeneficiaryVASPdid",
- "transactionBlockchainInfo": {
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- {
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- {
- "nameIdentifier": [
- {
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- "nameIdentifierType": "LEGL"
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- "nationalIdentifierType": "CCPT",
- "countryOfIssue": "NZ"
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- "naturalPerson": {
- "name": [
- {
- "nameIdentifier": [
- {
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- "countryOfIssue": "NZ"
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- "chargedQuantity": 0,
- "amountInLocalCurrency": {
- "amountInLocalCurrency": 0,
- "currency": "string"
}, - "beneficiaryAmountInLocalCurrency": {
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- "currency": "string"
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- "beneficiaryDid": "did:methd:identifier",
- "originatorVASPdid": "did:methd:identifier",
- "beneficiaryVASPdid": "did:methd:identifier",
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- "origin": "string",
- "destination": "string"
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Approves an outgoing transfer. If the VASP is present in the Notabene Directory, approving a transfer will send the transfer to them and set the transfer status to SENT
. If the VASP is not in the Notabene Directory, approving the transfer will set the status to WAITING_FOR_INFORMATION
id required | string <uuid> (TransactionID) Example: id=123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000 Identifier of the Transfer |
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Cancels the transfer and sets the status to CANCELLED
Transfer Cancel Information
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vasp_did | string (common_DID) ^did:[a-zA-Z0-9]*:.*$ Decentralized Identifier |
reason | string Cancel reason |
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Update a transfer with the passed parameters.
Transfer Update Information
id required | string <uuid> (TransactionID) Identifier of the Transfer |
notificationEmail | string <email> Beneficiary VASP Notification Email |
txHash | string Transaction txHash |
destination | string Destination Blockchain Address |
origin | string Origin Blockchain Address |
beneficiaryDid | string (common_DID) ^did:[a-zA-Z0-9]*:.*$ Decentralized Identifier |
beneficiaryVASPdid | string (common_DID) ^did:[a-zA-Z0-9]*:.*$ Decentralized Identifier |
originatorVASPdid | string (common_DID) ^did:[a-zA-Z0-9]*:.*$ Decentralized Identifier |
beneficiaryVASPname | string Beneficiary VASP Name |
object (ivms101_Beneficiary) The beneficiary is defined in Section 1.1 as the natural or legal person or legal arrangement who is identified by the originator as the receiver of the requested VA transfer. | |
CryptographicalProof (object) or ScreenshotProof (object) or SelfDeclarationProof (object) or MicroTransferProof (object) or OtherProof (object) (OwnershipProof) Ownership Proof, which can be an CryptographicalProof, ScreenshotProof, SelfDeclarationProof or MicroTransferProof | |
originatorDid | string (common_DID) ^did:[a-zA-Z0-9]*:.*$ Decentralized Identifier |
beneficiaryRef | string |
originatorRef | string |
object (ivms101_Originator) The originator is defined in Section 1.1 as the account holder who allows the VA transfer from that account or, where there is no account, the natural or legal person that places the order with the originating VASP to perform the VA transfer. | |
CryptographicalProof (object) or ScreenshotProof (object) or SelfDeclarationProof (object) or MicroTransferProof (object) or OtherProof (object) (OwnershipProof) Ownership Proof, which can be an CryptographicalProof, ScreenshotProof, SelfDeclarationProof or MicroTransferProof | |
protocol | string (tr_TravelRuleProtocol) Enum: "TRLight" "TRP" "OpenVASP" |
targetProtocol | string (TargetProtocol) Value: "GTR" |
skipBeneficiaryDataValidation | boolean Disable beneficiary data validation (opportunistic compliance) |
isNonCustodial | boolean Is a Non Custodial Transfer |
object (PII_IVMS) | |
onBehalfOfMyself | boolean Autopopulate originator and beneficiary fields with institution's information |
blockchainTransactionTimestamp | string <date-time> (DateTime) |
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- "destination": "string",
- "origin": "string",
- "beneficiaryDid": "did:methd:identifier",
- "beneficiaryVASPdid": "did:methd:identifier",
- "originatorVASPdid": "did:methd:identifier",
- "beneficiaryVASPname": "string",
- "beneficiary": {
- "beneficiaryPersons": [
- {
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- {
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- {
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- "secondaryIdentifier": "string",
- "nameIdentifierType": "ALIA"
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- "nameIdentifierType": "ALIA"
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- "attestation": "I certify that\n\neip155:1 account 0x2D436435576848B3a22748F5eE642c80A6368065\n\nbelonged to did:ethr:0x348bdb4fe9bdb4ef09a4b9955ae4d236f7c304e5\n\non Tue, 10 Dec 2024 12:37:28 GMT",
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Notifies the originator VASP of an incoming transfer on the blockchain.
Transfer Notify Information
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Rejects a transfer indicating that the blockchain address is not owned by the beneficiary VASP. Rejecting sets the transfer status to REJECTED
Transfer Reject Information
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reason | string Reject reason |
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Transfer Information
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id required | string <uuid> (TransactionID) Example: id=123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000 Identifier of the Transfer |
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Declines a transfer setting the status to DECLINED
. Transfers can be automatically declined by setting rules in the rules engine or manually using this endpoint.
Transfer Decline Information
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reason | string Decline reason |
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to required | string (common_DID) ^did:[a-zA-Z0-9]*:.*$ Example: to=did:methd:identifier Decentralized Identifier |
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Actions can be performed on transfers in bulk such as approving, cancelling, confirming, rejecting etc.
Bulk Transfer Input
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Receive a transfer from a segregated node.
Transfer Receive Request
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Update a transfer coming from another node.
Transfer Update TR Request
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- "placeOfBirth": "string"
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- "name": {
- "nameIdentifier": [
- {
- "legalPersonName": "string",
- "legalPersonNameIdentifierType": "LEGL"
], - "localNameIdentifier": [
- {
- "legalPersonName": "string",
- "legalPersonNameIdentifierType": "LEGL"
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- {
- "legalPersonName": "string",
- "legalPersonNameIdentifierType": "LEGL"
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- "transferPath": [
- {
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- "name": [
- {
- "nameIdentifier": [
- null
], - "localNameIdentifier": [
- null
], - "phoneticNameIdentifier": [
- null
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- "placeOfBirth": "string"
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- "name": {
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- {
- "legalPersonName": null,
- "legalPersonNameIdentifierType": null
], - "localNameIdentifier": [
- {
- "legalPersonName": null,
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- "transliterationMethod": [
- "arab"
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- "protocol": "TRLight",
- "protocolData": {
- "trLightData": {
- "notificationEmails": [
- "string"
}, - "originatorProof": {
- "type": "eip-191",
- "proof": 4.807131140562005e+155,
- "attestation": "I certify that\n\neip155:1 account 0x2D436435576848B3a22748F5eE642c80A6368065\n\nbelonged to did:ethr:0x348bdb4fe9bdb4ef09a4b9955ae4d236f7c304e5\n\non Tue, 10 Dec 2024 12:37:28 GMT",
- "address": "eip155:1:0x2D436435576848B3a22748F5eE642c80A6368065",
- "status": "verified"
}, - "beneficiaryProof": {
- "type": "eip-191",
- "proof": 4.807131140562005e+155,
- "attestation": "I certify that\n\neip155:1 account 0x2D436435576848B3a22748F5eE642c80A6368065\n\nbelonged to did:ethr:0x348bdb4fe9bdb4ef09a4b9955ae4d236f7c304e5\n\non Tue, 10 Dec 2024 12:37:28 GMT",
- "address": "eip155:1:0x2D436435576848B3a22748F5eE642c80A6368065",
- "status": "verified"
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- {
- "hash": "string",
- "issuerDID": "did:methd:identifier",
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- "actionData": "string"
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- "name": [
- {
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- {
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- "secondaryIdentifier": null,
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- {
- "primaryIdentifier": null,
- "secondaryIdentifier": null,
- "nameIdentifierType": null
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- {
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- "addressLine": [
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- "nationalIdentifier": "string",
- "nationalIdentifierType": "string",
- "countryOfIssue": "string",
- "registrationAuthority": "string"
}, - "customerIdentification": "string",
- "dateAndPlaceOfBirth": {
- "dateOfBirth": "string",
- "placeOfBirth": "string"
}, - "countryOfResidence": "string"
}, - "legalPerson": {
- "name": {
- "nameIdentifier": [
- {
- "legalPersonName": "string",
- "legalPersonNameIdentifierType": "string"
], - "localNameIdentifier": [
- {
- "legalPersonName": "string",
- "legalPersonNameIdentifierType": "string"
], - "phoneticNameIdentifier": [
- {
- "legalPersonName": "string",
- "legalPersonNameIdentifierType": "string"
}, - "geographicAddress": [
- {
- "addressType": "string",
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- "buildingName": "string",
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- "postCode": "string",
- "townName": "string",
- "townLocationName": "string",
- "districtName": "string",
- "countrySubDivision": "string",
- "addressLine": [
- "string"
], - "country": "string"
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- "nationalIdentification": {
- "nationalIdentifier": "string",
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- "countryOfIssue": "string",
- "registrationAuthority": "string"
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- "countryOfRegistration": "string"
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- "string"
}, - "beneficiary": {
- "beneficiaryPersons": [
- {
- "naturalPerson": {
- "name": [
- {
- "nameIdentifier": [
- {
- "primaryIdentifier": null,
- "secondaryIdentifier": null,
- "nameIdentifierType": null
], - "localNameIdentifier": [
- {
- "primaryIdentifier": null,
- "secondaryIdentifier": null,
- "nameIdentifierType": null
], - "phoneticNameIdentifier": [
- {
- "primaryIdentifier": null,
- "secondaryIdentifier": null,
- "nameIdentifierType": null
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- {
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- "addressLine": [
- "string"
], - "country": "string"
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- "nationalIdentifier": "string",
- "nationalIdentifierType": "string",
- "countryOfIssue": "string",
- "registrationAuthority": "string"
}, - "customerIdentification": "string",
- "dateAndPlaceOfBirth": {
- "dateOfBirth": "string",
- "placeOfBirth": "string"
}, - "countryOfResidence": "string"
}, - "legalPerson": {
- "name": {
- "nameIdentifier": [
- {
- "legalPersonName": "string",
- "legalPersonNameIdentifierType": "string"
], - "localNameIdentifier": [
- {
- "legalPersonName": "string",
- "legalPersonNameIdentifierType": "string"
], - "phoneticNameIdentifier": [
- {
- "legalPersonName": "string",
- "legalPersonNameIdentifierType": "string"
}, - "geographicAddress": [
- {
- "addressType": "string",
- "department": "string",
- "subDepartment": "string",
- "streetName": "string",
- "buildingNumber": "string",
- "buildingName": "string",
- "floor": "string",
- "postBox": "string",
- "room": "string",
- "postCode": "string",
- "townName": "string",
- "townLocationName": "string",
- "districtName": "string",
- "countrySubDivision": "string",
- "addressLine": [
- "string"
], - "country": "string"
], - "customerNumber": "string",
- "nationalIdentification": {
- "nationalIdentifier": "string",
- "nationalIdentifierType": "string",
- "countryOfIssue": "string",
- "registrationAuthority": "string"
}, - "dateOfRegistration": "string",
- "countryOfRegistration": "string"
], - "accountNumber": [
- "string"
}, - "originatingVASP": {
- "originatingVASP": {
- "naturalPerson": {
- "name": [
- {
- "nameIdentifier": [
- {
- "primaryIdentifier": "string",
- "secondaryIdentifier": "string",
- "nameIdentifierType": "string"
], - "localNameIdentifier": [
- {
- "primaryIdentifier": "string",
- "secondaryIdentifier": "string",
- "nameIdentifierType": "string"
], - "phoneticNameIdentifier": [
- {
- "primaryIdentifier": "string",
- "secondaryIdentifier": "string",
- "nameIdentifierType": "string"
], - "geographicAddress": [
- {
- "addressType": "string",
- "department": "string",
- "subDepartment": "string",
- "streetName": "string",
- "buildingNumber": "string",
- "buildingName": "string",
- "floor": "string",
- "postBox": "string",
- "room": "string",
- "postCode": "string",
- "townName": "string",
- "townLocationName": "string",
- "districtName": "string",
- "countrySubDivision": "string",
- "addressLine": [
- "string"
], - "country": "string"
], - "nationalIdentification": {
- "nationalIdentifier": "string",
- "nationalIdentifierType": "string",
- "countryOfIssue": "string",
- "registrationAuthority": "string"
}, - "customerIdentification": "string",
- "dateAndPlaceOfBirth": {
- "dateOfBirth": "string",
- "placeOfBirth": "string"
}, - "countryOfResidence": "string"
}, - "legalPerson": {
- "name": {
- "nameIdentifier": [
- {
- "legalPersonName": "string",
- "legalPersonNameIdentifierType": "string"
], - "localNameIdentifier": [
- {
- "legalPersonName": "string",
- "legalPersonNameIdentifierType": "string"
], - "phoneticNameIdentifier": [
- {
- "legalPersonName": "string",
- "legalPersonNameIdentifierType": "string"
}, - "geographicAddress": [
- {
- "addressType": "string",
- "department": "string",
- "subDepartment": "string",
- "streetName": "string",
- "buildingNumber": "string",
- "buildingName": "string",
- "floor": "string",
- "postBox": "string",
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- "addressLine": [
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], - "country": "string"
], - "customerNumber": "string",
- "nationalIdentification": {
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- "nationalIdentifierType": "string",
- "countryOfIssue": "string",
- "registrationAuthority": "string"
}, - "dateOfRegistration": "string",
- "countryOfRegistration": "string"
}, - "beneficiaryVASP": {
- "beneficiaryVASP": {
- "naturalPerson": {
- "name": [
- {
- "nameIdentifier": [
- {
- "primaryIdentifier": "string",
- "secondaryIdentifier": "string",
- "nameIdentifierType": "string"
], - "localNameIdentifier": [
- {
- "primaryIdentifier": "string",
- "secondaryIdentifier": "string",
- "nameIdentifierType": "string"
], - "phoneticNameIdentifier": [
- {
- "primaryIdentifier": "string",
- "secondaryIdentifier": "string",
- "nameIdentifierType": "string"
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- {
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- "buildingName": "string",
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- "room": "string",
- "postCode": "string",
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- "districtName": "string",
- "countrySubDivision": "string",
- "addressLine": [
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], - "country": "string"
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- "countryOfIssue": "string",
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- "placeOfBirth": "string"
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- {
- "legalPersonName": "string",
- "legalPersonNameIdentifierType": "string"
], - "localNameIdentifier": [
- {
- "legalPersonName": "string",
- "legalPersonNameIdentifierType": "string"
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- {
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- {
- "nameIdentifier": [
- null
], - "localNameIdentifier": [
- null
], - "phoneticNameIdentifier": [
- null
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- "addressLine": [
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- "name": {
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- "legalPersonName": null,
- "legalPersonNameIdentifierType": null
], - "localNameIdentifier": [
- {
- "legalPersonName": null,
- "legalPersonNameIdentifierType": null
], - "phoneticNameIdentifier": [
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- "legalPersonNameIdentifierType": null
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- "string"
The Notabene Trust Framework refers to the network of VASPs that send and receive transfers.
You can browse through the Notabene Directory to see more information about which VASPs are receiving Travel Rule transfers and the protocols they follow.
To begin accepting transactions as a VASP, you first create a VASP.
challengeToken required | string ChallengeToken |
Create User and VASP through light onboarding
object (common_VaspFields) List of VASP fields | |
object (common_UserFields) List of User fields |
{- "vaspFields": {
- "companyName": "string",
- "jurisdiction": "string"
}, - "userFields": {
- "name": "string"
{- "did": "did:methd:identifier",
- "fields": [
- {
- "fieldName": "string",
- "values": [
- {
- "value": null,
- "issuer": "did:methd:identifier",
- "issuanceDate": "2019-08-24",
- "expirationDate": "2019-08-24"
], - "documents": [
- {
- "locationUrl": "string",
- "mimeType": "string",
- "name": "string"
], - "hasAdmin": true,
- "isActiveSender": true,
- "isActiveReceiver": true
Returns information about a VASP that has the specified DID.
vaspDID required | string (common_DID) ^did:[a-zA-Z0-9]*:.*$ Example: did:methd:identifier VASP DID |
fields | string csv of fields to return |
reviewedByVaspDID | string (common_DID) ^did:[a-zA-Z0-9]*:.*$ Example: reviewedByVaspDID=did:methd:identifier include reviewed vasps for specified did |
showJurisdictionStatus | boolean include jurisdiction status information |
includeSubsidiaries | boolean include subsidiaries of particular vasp |
{- "did": "did:methd:identifier",
- "name": "string",
- "website": "string",
- "logo": "string",
- "incorporationCountry": "string",
- "documents": "string",
- "hasAdmin": true,
- "isNotifiable": true,
- "isActiveSender": true,
- "isActiveReceiver": true,
- "issuers": "string"
Returns a list of VASPs. VASPs can be searched and sorted and results are paginated.
q | string string to query |
emailDomain | string filter on email domain |
chainalysisName | string filter on chainalysis name |
hasAdmin | boolean filter on hasAdmin true or false |
badge | string Enum: "super_vasp" "verified" "in_network" "claimed" filter by badge |
jurisdictions | string filter by jurisdictions |
fields | string csv of fields to return |
page | integer page number |
per_page | integer records per page |
order | string^([ A-Za-z]+(:(ASC|DESC))?(:NULLS (FIRST|LAST... field to order by |
all | boolean return all records |
listingType | string Enum: "exclude_subsidiaries" "exclude_gateways" "all" Choose the way gateway VASPs and non-gateway VASPs are returned. By default, exclude_subsidiaries. |
includeUncheckedVASPs | boolean Default: false include vasps that have not been internally checked |
includeActiveSendersOnly | boolean Default: false include only those vasps that are sending transactions |
includeActiveReceiversOnly | boolean Default: false include only those vasps that are receiving transactions |
regulatoryStatus | string Default: false Enum: "Exempt" "No longer exempt" "Not Regulated" "No longer regulated" "Pending" "Regulated" include only those vasps matching the specified regulatory status |
networkStatus | string Default: false Enum: "Pending" "Verified" "Unverified" include only those vasps matching the specified network status |
asset | string asset symbol, provide when filtering by wallet |
reviewedByVaspDID | string (common_DID) ^did:[a-zA-Z0-9]*:.*$ Example: reviewedByVaspDID=did:methd:identifier include reviewed vasps for specified did |
showJurisdictionStatus | boolean include jurisdiction status information |
reviewValue | string Enum: "TRUSTED" "BLOCKED" "MANUAL" "NULL" include reviewed vasps containing specified value |
reviewIncludeInWidget | Array of strings Items Enum: "YES" "NO" "UNDECIDED" include vasps with included in widget or not |
filterByJurisdictionStatus | string Enum: "inForce" "gracePeriodOngoing" "limitedScope" "plansAnnounced" "notAvailable" filter by specified jurisdiction status |
{- "vasps": [
- {
- "did": "did:methd:identifier",
- "name": "string",
- "website": "string",
- "logo": "string",
- "incorporationCountry": "string",
- "documents": "string",
- "hasAdmin": true,
- "isNotifiable": true,
- "isActiveSender": true,
- "isActiveReceiver": true,
- "issuers": "string"
], - "pagination": {
- "page": 0,
- "per_page": 0,
- "order": "string",
- "total": 0
Returns the Travel Rule protocols the VASP uses.
vaspDID required | string (common_DID) ^did:[a-zA-Z0-9]*:.*$ Example: did:methd:identifier VASP DID |
{- "did": "did:methd:identifier",
- "fields": [
- {
- "fieldName": "string",
- "values": [
- {
- "value": null,
- "issuer": "did:methd:identifier",
- "issuanceDate": "2019-08-24",
- "expirationDate": "2019-08-24"
], - "documents": [
- {
- "locationUrl": "string",
- "mimeType": "string",
- "name": "string"
], - "hasAdmin": true,
- "isActiveSender": true,
- "isActiveReceiver": true
Updates a VASP with the provided parameters.
VASP update information
did | string (common_DID) ^did:[a-zA-Z0-9]*:.*$ Decentralized Identifier |
required | Array of objects (common_IdentityFields) List of fields |
{- "did": "did:methd:identifier",
- "fields": [
- {
- "fieldName": "string",
- "values": [
- {
- "value": null,
- "issuer": "did:methd:identifier",
- "issuanceDate": "2019-08-24",
- "expirationDate": "2019-08-24"
{- "did": "did:methd:identifier",
- "fields": [
- {
- "fieldName": "string",
- "values": [
- {
- "value": null,
- "issuer": "did:methd:identifier",
- "issuanceDate": "2019-08-24",
- "expirationDate": "2019-08-24"
], - "documents": [
- {
- "locationUrl": "string",
- "mimeType": "string",
- "name": "string"
], - "hasAdmin": true,
- "isActiveSender": true,
- "isActiveReceiver": true
Deletes a VASP that has the specified DID.
vaspDID required | string (common_DID) ^did:[a-zA-Z0-9]*:.*$ Example: did:methd:identifier VASP DID |
redirectDID | string (common_DID) ^did:[a-zA-Z0-9]*:.*$ Example: redirectDID=did:methd:identifier VASP DID to redirect transactions to |
{- "deletedVASP": true,
- "message": "string"
vaspDID required | string (common_DID) ^did:[a-zA-Z0-9]*:.*$ Example: did:methd:identifier The VASP who is adding to their review list |
reviewedVaspDID required | string (common_DID) ^did:[a-zA-Z0-9]*:.*$ Decentralized Identifier |
reviewValue required | string Enum: "TRUSTED" "BLOCKED" "MANUAL" The review value |
note | string Review note |
includeInWidget | string Default: "UNDECIDED" Enum: "YES" "NO" "UNDECIDED" Include this VASP in widget |
{- "reviewedVaspDID": "did:methd:identifier",
- "reviewValue": "TRUSTED",
- "note": "string",
- "includeInWidget": "YES"
{- "vaspDID": "did:methd:identifier",
- "reviewedVaspDID": "did:methd:identifier",
- "reviewValue": "string",
- "note": "string",
- "includeInWidget": "string",
- "createdAt": "string",
- "createdBy": "did:methd:identifier"
Get VASP data for top 20 counterparties
vaspDID required | string (common_DID) ^did:[a-zA-Z0-9]*:.*$ Example: vaspDID=did:methd:identifier Decentralized Identifier |
{- "lastUpdated": "string",
- "results": [
- {
- "vaspDID": "did:methd:identifier",
- "vaspName": "string",
- "vaspLogoURL": "string",
- "jurisdiction": "string",
- "totalIncomingTransactions": 0,
- "totalOutgoingTransactions": 0,
- "travelRuleIncomingTransactions": 0,
- "travelRuleOutgoingTransactions": 0,
- "sendsTravelRuleData": true,
- "repliesTravelRuleData": true,
- "isVerified": true,
- "isClaimed": true,
- "isInNetwork": true
Various documents can be uploaded using the Notabene API such as certificates of incorporation, due-dilligence questionnaires etc.
To upload a document you must first request a URL to upload to. Upload URLs are short-lived AWS S3 bucket upload URLs.
vaspDID required | string (common_DID) ^did:[a-zA-Z0-9]*:.*$ Example: did:methd:identifier VASP DID |
documentType | string documentType |
{- "uploadUrl": "string",
- "uploadFields": [
- {
- "key": "string",
- "value": "string"
Returns the location of the uploaded document stored in AWS S3
vaspDID required | string (common_DID) ^did:[a-zA-Z0-9]*:.*$ Example: did:methd:identifier VASP DID |
s3URL | string S3 URL where the document is located |
{- "message": null
Deletes the document stored in AWS S3
vaspDID required | string (common_DID) ^did:[a-zA-Z0-9]*:.*$ Example: did:methd:identifier VASP DID |
s3URL | string S3 URL where the document is located |
{- "message": null
Request, Accept, Reject or Revoke Document Access. For example, you can use this API endpoint to request access to a counterparty VASPs due-dilligence document.
vaspDID required | string (common_DID) ^did:[a-zA-Z0-9]*:.*$ Example: did:methd:identifier vaspDID of document owner |
requestingVASPdid required | string (common_DID) ^did:[a-zA-Z0-9]*:.*$ Example: requestingVASPdid=did:methd:identifier vaspDID of party subject to document access |
documentType required | string (DocumentType) Value: "DDQ for Travel Rule Data Sharing" type of the document |
accessAction required | string (DocumentAccessAction) Enum: "REQUEST" "APPROVE" "DECLINE" "REVOKE" access action |
metadata | string metadata (eg. reason for decline/revoke) |
{- "message": null,
Lists all requests from counterparty VASPS to your documents
required | common_DID (string) or OutgoingRequests (string) DID of the VASP who's doc is being requested |
requestingVASPdid | string (common_DID) ^did:[a-zA-Z0-9]*:.*$ Example: requestingVASPdid=did:methd:identifier (optional) DID of the VASP who is requesting the document |
[- {
- "documentType": "DDQ for Travel Rule Data Sharing",
Get DDQ document of vaspDID
vaspDID required | string (common_DID) ^did:[a-zA-Z0-9]*:.*$ Example: did:methd:identifier DID of the VASP who's doc is being requested |
requestingVASPdid | string (common_DID) ^did:[a-zA-Z0-9]*:.*$ Example: requestingVASPdid=did:methd:identifier DID of the VASP who is requesting the document |
{ }
s3Key required | string^(did:ethr:|did:web:) S3 key for which a presigned URL will be generated. Must start with |
{- "expiresSeconds": 0,
- "presignedUrl": "string"
To upload an address book you must first request a URL to uploda to. Upload URLs are short-lived AWS S3 bucket URLs.
vaspDID required | string (common_DID) ^did:[a-zA-Z0-9]*:.*$ Example: did:methd:identifier VASP DID |
{- "uploadUrl": "string",
- "uploadFields": [
- {
- "key": "string",
- "value": "string"
Registers the blockchain address of a customer in your address book.
Customer Address Info
vaspDID required | string (common_DID) ^did:[a-zA-Z0-9]*:.*$ Decentralized Identifier |
string or CAIP19 (object) or CoingeckoIdAndNetwork (object) | |
address required | string non-empty |
customerRef required | string |
{- "vaspDID": "did:methd:identifier",
- "asset": "ETH",
- "address": "string",
- "customerRef": "string"
Get the ownership information about a customer blockchain address.
address required | string (BlockchainAddress) Example: 0x489c818ca8b9251b393131b08a736a67ccb19298 Blockchain address |
vasp_did required | string (common_DID) ^did:[a-zA-Z0-9]*:.*$ Example: vasp_did=did:methd:identifier VASP DID |
asset required | string (Asset) Example: asset=ETH Crypto currency |
{- "owner_vasp_did": "string",
- "owner_vasp_name": "string",
- "address": "0x489c818ca8b9251b393131b08a736a67ccb19298",
- "address_type": "HOSTED",
- "asset": "ETH",
- "source": "UNKNOWN"
Get the addresses registered for a VASP.
vasp_did required | string (common_DID) ^did:[a-zA-Z0-9]*:.*$ Example: vasp_did=did:methd:identifier VASP DID |
source required | string (BlockchainAddressQuerySource) Value: "ADDRESS_GRAPH" Blockchain address query sources available |
source_type | string (QuerySourceType) Enum: "INTERNAL" "EXTERNAL" Query source types (if not provided, it will return all addresses):
page | integer (PaginationPage) Page number |
per_page | integer (PaginationPerPage) Records per page |
{- "pagination": {
- "page": 0,
- "per_page": 0,
- "total": 0
}, - "metadata": {
- "source": "ADDRESS_GRAPH"
}, - "data": [
- {
- "address": "0x489c818ca8b9251b393131b08a736a67ccb19298",
- "owner_vasp_did": "string",
- "customer_did": "string",
- "customer_ref": "string"
Delete addresses previously added to the address book.
addresses required | string^([^,]+,)*([^,]+)$ Example: addresses=0x123,0x456 Comma-separated list of addresses to delete |
vasp_did required | string (common_DID) ^did:[a-zA-Z0-9]*:.*$ Example: vasp_did=did:methd:identifier VASP DID |
{- "message": "Deleting 10 addresses."
Setting up transfer rules makes accepting and declining incoming transfers manageable at scale. Rules can be setup to automatically accept or decline transfers based on sanctions checks, wallet address queries and more.
Returns a list of transfer rules that have been setup.
vaspDID required | string (common_DID) ^did:[a-zA-Z0-9]*:.*$ Example: vaspDID=did:methd:identifier vaspDID to get list of transfer rules |
[- {
- "id": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000",
- "vaspDID": "did:methd:identifier",
- "order": 0,
- "actionRule": "APPROVE",
- "ruleCheck": "ALL",
- "ruleValue": "string",
- "source": "string",
- "vasps": [
- {
- "did": "did:methd:identifier",
- "name": "Example VASP"
], - "jurisdictions": [
- "US,SG,BR"
Sets the transfer rules to be applied to transactions.
Set rules to rules engine input with direction
vaspDID required | string (common_DID) ^did:[a-zA-Z0-9]*:.*$ Decentralized Identifier |
required | object Incoming and Outgoing set of rules |
{- "vaspDID": "did:methd:identifier",
- "ruleSet": {
- "incoming": [
- {
- "order": 0,
- "actionRule": "APPROVE",
- "ruleCheck": "ALL",
- "ruleValue": "string",
- "source": "string"
], - "outgoing": [
- {
- "order": 0,
- "actionRule": "APPROVE",
- "ruleCheck": "ALL",
- "ruleValue": "string",
- "source": "string"
[- {
- "id": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000",
- "vaspDID": "did:methd:identifier",
- "order": 0,
- "actionRule": "APPROVE",
- "ruleCheck": "ALL",
- "ruleValue": "string",
- "source": "string",
- "vasps": [
- {
- "did": "did:methd:identifier",
- "name": "Example VASP"
], - "jurisdictions": [
- "US,SG,BR"
Deletes rules and Returns a list of transfer rules that have been setup.
Delete ids array
vaspDID required | string |
ids required | Array of strings |
{- "vaspDID": "string",
- "ids": [
- "string"
[- {
- "id": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000",
- "vaspDID": "did:methd:identifier",
- "order": 0,
- "actionRule": "APPROVE",
- "ruleCheck": "ALL",
- "ruleValue": "string",
- "source": "string",
- "vasps": [
- {
- "did": "did:methd:identifier",
- "name": "Example VASP"
], - "jurisdictions": [
- "US,SG,BR"
Update a VASP's settings.
vaspDID required | string (common_DID) ^did:[a-zA-Z0-9]*:.*$ Example: did:methd:identifier VASP DID |
Settings to be updated
autoconfirm | boolean |
statusToProcessBlockchain | any Enum: "CREATED" "SENT" "ACK" "ACCEPTED" null |
vaspDiscoverability | boolean |
autoredirect | boolean |
requestTrackingForMissingData | boolean |
useLocalCurrencyInAnalytics | boolean |
autoDecryption | boolean |
{- "autoconfirm": true,
- "statusToProcessBlockchain": "CREATED",
- "vaspDiscoverability": true,
- "autoredirect": true,
- "requestTrackingForMissingData": true,
- "useLocalCurrencyInAnalytics": true,
- "autoDecryption": true
{- "autoconfirm": true,
- "statusToProcessBlockchain": "CREATED",
- "vaspDiscoverability": true,
- "autoredirect": true,
- "requestTrackingForMissingData": true,
- "useLocalCurrencyInAnalytics": true,
- "autoDecryption": true
Get a VASP's settings
vaspDID required | string (common_DID) ^did:[a-zA-Z0-9]*:.*$ Example: did:methd:identifier VASP DID |
{- "autoconfirm": true,
- "statusToProcessBlockchain": "CREATED",
- "vaspDiscoverability": true,
- "autoredirect": true,
- "requestTrackingForMissingData": true,
- "useLocalCurrencyInAnalytics": true,
- "autoDecryption": true
Creates a webhook for the passed callback URL that will be notified every time a transfer changes state.
Tx Notification Config Information
vaspDID required | string (common_DID) ^did:[a-zA-Z0-9]*:.*$ Decentralized Identifier |
callbackUrl required | string Callback URL |
{- "vaspDID": "did:methd:identifier",
- "callbackUrl": "string"
Returns a webhook that has been setup for your account.
vaspDID required | string (common_DID) ^did:[a-zA-Z0-9]*:.*$ Example: did:methd:identifier Decentralized Identifier |
{- "vaspDID": "did:methd:identifier",
- "callbackUrl": "string"
Register a Webhook for querying addresses
vaspDID required | string (common_DID) ^did:[a-zA-Z0-9]*:.*$ Example: did:methd:identifier VASP DID |
Register Webhook Input
url required | string A URL with HTTPS protocol |
params required | string^\?([\w-]+(=[\w-]*)?(&[\w-]+(=[\w-]*)?)*)?$ All of the query params needed appended in string format |
{- "url": "string",
- "params": "string"
{- "secret": "string"
Delete a Webhook for querying addresses
vaspDID required | string (common_DID) ^did:[a-zA-Z0-9]*:.*$ Example: did:methd:identifier VASP DID |
{- "isDeleted": true,
- "message": "string"
LexisNexis sanctions check
LexisNexis sanctions check
vaspDID required | string (common_DID) ^did:[a-zA-Z0-9]*:.*$ Decentralized Identifier |
required | object |
{- "vaspDID": "did:methd:identifier",
- "data": {
- "searchTerm": "string",
- "entityType": "Individual",
- "transactionId": "string",
- "refresh": true
{- "hasMatches": true,
- "metadata": { },
- "matches": [
- {
- "name": "string",
- "score": "string",
- "reasons": [
- "string"
], - "comments": [
- "string"
], - "metadata": [
- { }
Set LexisNexis credentials
vaspDID required | string (common_DID) ^did:[a-zA-Z0-9]*:.*$ Example: vaspDID=did:methd:identifier Decentralized Identifier |
Set LexisNexis credentials
required | object |
{- "data": {
- "environment": "string",
- "clientID": "string",
- "userID": "string",
- "userPassword": "string",
- "apiKey": "string",
- "predefinedSearchName": "string"
{- "hasCredentialsBeenStored": true,
- "message": "string"
Delete LexisNexis credentials
vaspDID required | string (common_DID) ^did:[a-zA-Z0-9]*:.*$ Example: vaspDID=did:methd:identifier Decentralized Identifier |
{- "hasCredentialsBeenDeleted": true,
- "message": "string"
Check LexisNexis credentials
vaspDID required | string (common_DID) ^did:[a-zA-Z0-9]*:.*$ Example: vaspDID=did:methd:identifier Decentralized Identifier |
{- "hasApiCredentials": true,
- "message": "string"
Chainalysis address info
Chainalysis address info
vaspDID required | string (common_DID) ^did:[a-zA-Z0-9]*:.*$ Decentralized Identifier |
required | object |
{- "vaspDID": "did:methd:identifier",
- "data": {
- "address": "string",
- "asset": "string",
- "customerDID": "string",
- "network": "string"
{- "address": "string",
- "addressType": "string",
- "asset": "string",
- "source": "string",
- "metadata": { },
- "custodialVASPdid": "string",
- "custodialVASPname": "string",
- "score": "string"
Set Chainalysis credentials
vaspDID required | string (common_DID) ^did:[a-zA-Z0-9]*:.*$ Example: vaspDID=did:methd:identifier Decentralized Identifier |
Set Chainalysis credentials
required | object |
{- "data": {
- "apiKey": "string"
{- "hasCredentialsBeenStored": true,
- "message": "string"
Delete Chainalysis credentials
vaspDID required | string (common_DID) ^did:[a-zA-Z0-9]*:.*$ Example: vaspDID=did:methd:identifier Decentralized Identifier |
{- "hasCredentialsBeenDeleted": true,
- "message": "string"
Check Chainalysis credentials
vaspDID required | string (common_DID) ^did:[a-zA-Z0-9]*:.*$ Example: vaspDID=did:methd:identifier Decentralized Identifier |
{- "hasApiCredentials": true,
- "message": "string"
Set Chainalysis credentials
vaspDID required | string (common_DID) ^did:[a-zA-Z0-9]*:.*$ Example: vaspDID=did:methd:identifier Decentralized Identifier |
Set Chainalysis credentials
required | object |
{- "data": {
- "apiKey": "string"
{- "hasCredentialsBeenStored": true,
- "message": "string"
Delete Chainalysis credentials
vaspDID required | string (common_DID) ^did:[a-zA-Z0-9]*:.*$ Example: vaspDID=did:methd:identifier Decentralized Identifier |
{- "hasCredentialsBeenDeleted": true,
- "message": "string"
Check Chainalysis credentials
vaspDID required | string (common_DID) ^did:[a-zA-Z0-9]*:.*$ Example: vaspDID=did:methd:identifier Decentralized Identifier |
{- "hasApiCredentials": true,
- "message": "string"
Elliptic address info
Elliptic address info
vaspDID required | string (common_DID) ^did:[a-zA-Z0-9]*:.*$ Decentralized Identifier |
required | object |
{- "vaspDID": "did:methd:identifier",
- "data": {
- "address": "string",
- "asset": "string",
- "customerDID": "string"
{- "address": "string",
- "addressType": "string",
- "asset": "string",
- "source": "string",
- "metadata": { },
- "custodialVASPdid": "string",
- "custodialVASPname": "string",
- "score": "string"
Set Elliptic credentials
vaspDID required | string (common_DID) ^did:[a-zA-Z0-9]*:.*$ Example: vaspDID=did:methd:identifier Decentralized Identifier |
Set Elliptic credentials
required | object |
{- "data": {
- "accessKey": "string",
- "accessSecret": "string"
{- "hasCredentialsBeenStored": true,
- "message": "string"
Delete Elliptic credentials
vaspDID required | string (common_DID) ^did:[a-zA-Z0-9]*:.*$ Example: vaspDID=did:methd:identifier Decentralized Identifier |
{- "hasCredentialsBeenDeleted": true,
- "message": "string"
Check Elliptic credentials
vaspDID required | string (common_DID) ^did:[a-zA-Z0-9]*:.*$ Example: vaspDID=did:methd:identifier Decentralized Identifier |
{- "hasApiCredentials": true,
- "message": "string"
Refinitiv sanctions check
Refinitiv sanctions check
vaspDID required | string (common_DID) ^did:[a-zA-Z0-9]*:.*$ Decentralized Identifier |
required | object |
{- "vaspDID": "did:methd:identifier",
- "data": {
- "searchTerm": "string",
- "entityType": "INDIVIDUAL",
- "transactionId": "string",
- "refresh": true
{- "hasMatches": true,
- "metadata": { },
- "matches": [
- {
- "name": "string",
- "score": "string",
- "reasons": [
- "string"
], - "comments": [
- "string"
], - "metadata": [
- { }
Set Refinitiv credentials
vaspDID required | string (common_DID) ^did:[a-zA-Z0-9]*:.*$ Example: vaspDID=did:methd:identifier Decentralized Identifier |
Set Refinitiv credentials
required | object |
{- "data": {
- "apiKey": "string",
- "apiSecret": "string",
- "groupId": "string",
- "useClientWatchlist": true,
- "customFields": [
- {
- "typeId": "string",
- "value": "string"
{- "hasCredentialsBeenStored": true,
- "message": "string"
Delete Refinitiv credentials
vaspDID required | string (common_DID) ^did:[a-zA-Z0-9]*:.*$ Example: vaspDID=did:methd:identifier Decentralized Identifier |
{- "hasCredentialsBeenDeleted": true,
- "message": "string"
Check Refinitiv credentials
vaspDID required | string (common_DID) ^did:[a-zA-Z0-9]*:.*$ Example: vaspDID=did:methd:identifier Decentralized Identifier |
{- "hasApiCredentials": true,
- "message": "string"
TRM address info
TRM address info
vaspDID required | string (common_DID) ^did:[a-zA-Z0-9]*:.*$ Decentralized Identifier |
required | object |
{- "vaspDID": "did:methd:identifier",
- "data": {
- "address": "string",
- "asset": "string"
{- "address": "string",
- "addressType": "string",
- "asset": "string",
- "source": "string",
- "metadata": { },
- "custodialVASPdid": "string",
- "custodialVASPname": "string",
- "score": "string"
Set TRM credentials
vaspDID required | string (common_DID) ^did:[a-zA-Z0-9]*:.*$ Example: vaspDID=did:methd:identifier Decentralized Identifier |
Set TRM credentials
required | object |
{- "data": {
- "apiKey": "string"
{- "hasCredentialsBeenStored": true,
- "message": "string"
Delete TRM credentials
vaspDID required | string (common_DID) ^did:[a-zA-Z0-9]*:.*$ Example: vaspDID=did:methd:identifier Decentralized Identifier |
{- "hasCredentialsBeenDeleted": true,
- "message": "string"
Check TRM credentials
vaspDID required | string (common_DID) ^did:[a-zA-Z0-9]*:.*$ Example: vaspDID=did:methd:identifier Decentralized Identifier |
{- "hasApiCredentials": true,
- "message": "string"
TRMSanctions sanctions check
TRMSanctions sanctions check
vaspDID required | string (common_DID) ^did:[a-zA-Z0-9]*:.*$ Decentralized Identifier |
required | object |
{- "vaspDID": "did:methd:identifier",
- "data": {
- "searchTerm": "string",
- "transactionId": "string",
- "refresh": true
{- "hasMatches": true,
- "metadata": { },
- "matches": [
- {
- "name": "string",
- "score": "string",
- "reasons": [
- "string"
], - "comments": [
- "string"
], - "metadata": [
- { }
Set TRMSanctions credentials
vaspDID required | string (common_DID) ^did:[a-zA-Z0-9]*:.*$ Example: vaspDID=did:methd:identifier Decentralized Identifier |
Set TRMSanctions credentials
required | object |
{- "data": {
- "apiKey": "string"
{- "hasCredentialsBeenStored": true,
- "message": "string"
Delete TRMSanctions credentials
vaspDID required | string (common_DID) ^did:[a-zA-Z0-9]*:.*$ Example: vaspDID=did:methd:identifier Decentralized Identifier |
{- "hasCredentialsBeenDeleted": true,
- "message": "string"
Check TRMSanctions credentials
vaspDID required | string (common_DID) ^did:[a-zA-Z0-9]*:.*$ Example: vaspDID=did:methd:identifier Decentralized Identifier |
{- "hasApiCredentials": true,
- "message": "string"
Coinfirm address info
Coinfirm address info
vaspDID required | string (common_DID) ^did:[a-zA-Z0-9]*:.*$ Decentralized Identifier |
required | object |
{- "vaspDID": "did:methd:identifier",
- "data": {
- "address": "string",
- "asset": "string",
- "customerDID": "string"
{- "address": "string",
- "addressType": "string",
- "asset": "string",
- "source": "string",
- "metadata": { },
- "custodialVASPdid": "string",
- "custodialVASPname": "string",
- "score": "string"
Set Coinfirm credentials
vaspDID required | string (common_DID) ^did:[a-zA-Z0-9]*:.*$ Example: vaspDID=did:methd:identifier Decentralized Identifier |
Set Coinfirm credentials
required | object |
{- "data": {
- "apiKey": "string"
{- "hasCredentialsBeenStored": true,
- "message": "string"
Delete Coinfirm credentials
vaspDID required | string (common_DID) ^did:[a-zA-Z0-9]*:.*$ Example: vaspDID=did:methd:identifier Decentralized Identifier |
{- "hasCredentialsBeenDeleted": true,
- "message": "string"
Check Coinfirm credentials
vaspDID required | string (common_DID) ^did:[a-zA-Z0-9]*:.*$ Example: vaspDID=did:methd:identifier Decentralized Identifier |
{- "hasApiCredentials": true,
- "message": "string"
MerkleScience address info
MerkleScience address info
vaspDID required | string (common_DID) ^did:[a-zA-Z0-9]*:.*$ Decentralized Identifier |
required | object |
{- "vaspDID": "did:methd:identifier",
- "data": {
- "address": "string",
- "asset": "string",
- "customerDID": "string"
{- "address": "string",
- "addressType": "string",
- "asset": "string",
- "source": "string",
- "metadata": { },
- "custodialVASPdid": "string",
- "custodialVASPname": "string",
- "score": "string"
Set MerkleScience credentials
vaspDID required | string (common_DID) ^did:[a-zA-Z0-9]*:.*$ Example: vaspDID=did:methd:identifier Decentralized Identifier |
Set MerkleScience credentials
required | object |
{- "data": {
- "apiKey": "string"
{- "hasCredentialsBeenStored": true,
- "message": "string"
Delete MerkleScience credentials
vaspDID required | string (common_DID) ^did:[a-zA-Z0-9]*:.*$ Example: vaspDID=did:methd:identifier Decentralized Identifier |
{- "hasCredentialsBeenDeleted": true,
- "message": "string"
Check MerkleScience credentials
vaspDID required | string (common_DID) ^did:[a-zA-Z0-9]*:.*$ Example: vaspDID=did:methd:identifier Decentralized Identifier |
{- "hasApiCredentials": true,
- "message": "string"
Bitgo address info
Bitgo address info
vaspDID required | string (common_DID) ^did:[a-zA-Z0-9]*:.*$ Decentralized Identifier |
required | object |
{- "vaspDID": "did:methd:identifier",
- "data": {
- "address": "string",
- "asset": "string",
- "customerDID": "string"
{- "address": "string",
- "addressType": "string",
- "asset": "string",
- "source": "string",
- "metadata": { },
- "custodialVASPdid": "string",
- "custodialVASPname": "string"
Set Bitgo credentials
vaspDID required | string (common_DID) ^did:[a-zA-Z0-9]*:.*$ Example: vaspDID=did:methd:identifier Decentralized Identifier |
Set Bitgo credentials
required | object |
{- "data": {
- "apiKey": "string"
{- "hasCredentialsBeenStored": true,
- "message": "string"
Delete Bitgo credentials
vaspDID required | string (common_DID) ^did:[a-zA-Z0-9]*:.*$ Example: vaspDID=did:methd:identifier Decentralized Identifier |
{- "hasCredentialsBeenDeleted": true,
- "message": "string"
Check Bitgo credentials
vaspDID required | string (common_DID) ^did:[a-zA-Z0-9]*:.*$ Example: vaspDID=did:methd:identifier Decentralized Identifier |
{- "hasApiCredentials": true,
- "message": "string"
ComplyAdvantage sanctions check
ComplyAdvantage sanctions check
vaspDID required | string (common_DID) ^did:[a-zA-Z0-9]*:.*$ Decentralized Identifier |
required | object |
{- "vaspDID": "did:methd:identifier",
- "data": {
- "searchTerm": "string",
- "transactionId": "string",
- "refresh": true,
- "customerRef": "string"
{- "hasMatches": true,
- "metadata": { },
- "matches": [
- {
- "name": "string",
- "score": "string",
- "reasons": [
- "string"
], - "comments": [
- "string"
], - "metadata": [
- { }
Set ComplyAdvantage credentials
vaspDID required | string (common_DID) ^did:[a-zA-Z0-9]*:.*$ Example: vaspDID=did:methd:identifier Decentralized Identifier |
Set ComplyAdvantage credentials
required | object |
{- "data": {
- "apiKey": "string",
- "search_profile": "string",
- "fuzziness": "string",
{- "hasCredentialsBeenStored": true,
- "message": "string"
Delete ComplyAdvantage credentials
vaspDID required | string (common_DID) ^did:[a-zA-Z0-9]*:.*$ Example: vaspDID=did:methd:identifier Decentralized Identifier |
{- "hasCredentialsBeenDeleted": true,
- "message": "string"
Check ComplyAdvantage credentials
vaspDID required | string (common_DID) ^did:[a-zA-Z0-9]*:.*$ Example: vaspDID=did:methd:identifier Decentralized Identifier |
{- "hasApiCredentials": true,
- "message": "string"